Love With all of Your Heart
Single? We got you!
Taken? That's awesome!
Married? Congrats!
Divorced? We got you too!
All matters of the heart will be <3 heartfully <3 taken care of here.
*** This is a completely non-judgment zone. There is no pressure into dating (or getting back into the field should you so choose). This area is meant for healthy relationship building only!***
Gratitude & Mindset, Just Because/For Fun, Let's Get Real, Life is Worth Living For, Love With all of Your Heart, Self Love Movement, Where's the Apple (Keep the Doctor away), Work It Out
Welcoming 2022 (Word of the Year, Goals & Intentions)
Happy New Year everyone! 2021 sure flew by and good riddance!!!! Like the meme says: But seriously. It’s been no cakewalk for anybody and straight up hell for some. Despite what category you find yourself in, I hope that you will take the time to truly reflect on what has recently happened, how we’ve reacted (either good or bad), take a deep breath, woosaw/woosah a little bit and then look forward to 2022 with even the littlest and tiniest shred of hope. Keeping with the tradition of deciding on a word for the year and what goals/intentions I want to pursue, I have made my decisions earlier than usual.…
Happy Inauguration Day America!
I typically avoid politics as a whole, but there are sometimes it simply can’t be avoided. I mean, today IS Inauguration Day after all. This post isn’t a woe-is-me-my-party-lost nor is it a woot-we-won. I didn’t vote for Biden/Harris and neither did I vote for Trump/Pence. For me, both sides have issues and I didn’t want to vote for Biden/Harris just because I don’t like Trump and wanted him out (this method of thinking just adds to the problems of how our society currently functions *arguably*). However, I am happy to say a warm welcome to Biden/Harris for the next 4 years. I am appreciative of their so far…
Gratitude & Mindset, Let's Get Real, Life is Worth Living For, Love With all of Your Heart, Shining Moments (Weekly Gratitude & Reflection)
Shining Moments: May 17th – 23rd, 2020
Welcome to another edition of Shining Moments – a place where I list all the beautiful things (small or big) that make life worth living for and to keep myself on a grateful path (especially during COVID). May is almost over – where did it go? Usually its the odd numbered months that seem to draaaaag on. This week was really rough for a lot of reasons, so the list is shorter and a little more concise than what I usually post. Shining Moments – Still working (considered an essential) at the hotel – Good news at work – I didn’t UberEats this week for several reasons, but it…
Eat Drink and Be Merry, Gratitude & Mindset, Let's Get Real, Life is Worth Living For, Love With all of Your Heart, Self Love Movement, Shining Moments (Weekly Gratitude & Reflection)
Shining Moments: May 3 – 9, 2020
Welcome to another edition of Shining Moments! Wishing all kinds of Moms a very Happy Mother’s Day! This week has all kinds of shining moments and a reflection of organizing. Shining Moments – Still working (considered an essential) at the hotel – beginning to get more and more into a “normal” routine – My boss gave me a great compliment about the work I’ve been doing. We are also going to proceed with the office change-up plans (a little earlier even). Within the next week or 2, I should have my own office space! – It was one of my AGM’s birthday and I got her a little something…
Eat Drink and Be Merry, Gratitude & Mindset, Let's Get Real, Life is Worth Living For, Love With all of Your Heart, Shining Moments (Weekly Gratitude & Reflection)
Shining Moments April 26th – May 2nd, 2020
Goodbye April and Hello May! Wow, what a month! It certainly flew by – seems the even numbered months pass by while the odd numbered draaaaaaaaaaag on. I’m sure on Thursday/Friday you saw the [still funny] obligatory Justin Timberlake “It’s gonna be May” memes. It’s a tradition… {I’m also looking at you May 4th for May the Fourth Be with You} Shining Moments – Still working (considered an essential) at the hotel – I only went out Sunday this week for various reasons, but it was a VERY good night –I recently started to carry dog treats with me on my UberEats runs and I was able to give…
Eat Drink and Be Merry, Gratitude & Mindset, Just Because/For Fun, Let's Get Real, Life is Worth Living For, Love With all of Your Heart, Self Love Movement, Shining Moments (Weekly Gratitude & Reflection), Trust Me, I'm a Professional, Where's the Apple (Keep the Doctor away), Work It Out
Shining Moments April 19th – 25th, 2020
April is almost wrapping up and I’m glad that it didn’t linger like March. I have kept myself busy by working what hours I can get at what is normally my full-time job (presently working about 20-25 hours), still doing UberEats deliveries and some continuing education. Shining Moments – Still working at the hotel – % has dropped, but we’re still maintaining – Unfortunately, someone on the team was let go. I am sad for this, but the silver lining is there are some more hours for the team to share. I am grateful for the hours that my coworkers and I are able to share so that we…
Eat Drink and Be Merry, Gratitude & Mindset, Let's Get Real, Life is Worth Living For, Love With all of Your Heart, Shining Moments (Weekly Gratitude & Reflection)
Shining Moments – April 12th – 18th, 2020
I hope that everyone had a good Easter weekend. I can’t get over how we are already halfway through April?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Not that I’m complaining, but we’re already into the 2nd quarter of the year! This April week’s edition is just about the moments, no updates or reflection this week. Shining Moments – Still working (considered an essential) at the hotel – Still working UberEats – the Easter weekend + everyone’s April bills put a dent in it, but I’m hoping once everyone’s stimulus checks start rolling in, there will be more orders to deliver. – Easter baskets for the boys were a big hit! At least April had a little…