So that happened… (how to remember that you ARE successful when it sure doesn’t feel that way)
Ever had something just go horribly wrong and all you could think of was : “So… that just happened”? Yup, check. Feel like you’re stuck in a rut and not making any progress besides maybe deeper? Raise your hand if you’re the Real Slim Shady. Feel like Life has taken you down Shit Creek with only 1 paddle? Glad I’m not the only one. Why does it seem like attaining success is the greatest test and the journey is nothing more than an obstacle course? Throw in some crazy society standards, a dash of self esteem issues, a crazy work schedule, maybe a few kids, perhaps a boyfriend or…
Making (and Rocking) a Success Journal
It’s always kinda of made me twitch when someone says: “I’m too blessed to be stressed!” As it’s certainly been over used, I have to fight the urge to roll my eyes. However, the idea behind the phrase does have some merit. If you’re so focused on being positive, appreciating the small things, practicing gratitude for who you are, what you do and what you have and respecting the successes that are in your life, then the feelings of chaos, unworthiness and overall negativity are minor to the radiant glow that you have. Bask in that glow baby. As you already know, this month’s theme is about success. Earlier this…
Let's Get Real, Life is Worth Living For, Resources, Links & Bloggers, Self Love Movement, Trust Me, I'm a Professional, Work It Out
It’s all about the Goals baby
Welcome to the 2nd half of the year, like literally, half the year has already passed. I don’t know about you, but I certainly have no clue where this year went! I will say, this year has been… eventful… and perhaps getting caught up in the throes (or should we say throws?) of life, I have gotten away from the vision and goals that I created this year. As it is now the 2nd half the year, now is a perfect time to revisit those goals, and while NOT beating ourselves up, evaluate where we currently are and make modifications. Let’s not look at “Oh, I haven’t done that,” or…