Eat Drink and Be Merry, Gratitude & Mindset, Let's Get Real, Life is Worth Living For, Self Love Movement
Self Care Project
Self Care… it’s a word/phrase we hear so often and as much as it might be “over-used”, it really is an important concept. You can’t pour anything from an empty cup. It’s been a crazy year already with job changes, economy ebbs & flows (yay gas & food prices), important milestones and anniversaries coming up, so I knew I needed to really evaluate where I was in life and where I wanted to be. I have a tendency to go big (and not start off small) and 99% of the time, those lofty dreams and goals taper off and reality kicks in. Since one of the reasons why I decided…
2019 Goals + January Goals
I hope that everyone has had a great start to the New Year! It’s already Day 5, can you believe it?! One of my goals is re-committing to writing blog posts again. I got wrapped up in personal things and I’ve been able to get some things finished up and other things off of my mind, so I’m ready to get focused on my Yearly Word: Roots. This might sound like an odd word, but this year is about starting from the beginning, focusing on the bottom up and re-growing. This year involves trimming back the tangles and unwanted items to be able to grow. It is also me wanting…