So that happened… (how to remember that you ARE successful when it sure doesn’t feel that way)
Ever had something just go horribly wrong and all you could think of was : “So… that just happened”? Yup, check. Feel like you’re stuck in a rut and not making any progress besides maybe deeper? Raise your hand if you’re the Real Slim Shady. Feel like Life has taken you down Shit Creek with only 1 paddle? Glad I’m not the only one. Why does it seem like attaining success is the greatest test and the journey is nothing more than an obstacle course? Throw in some crazy society standards, a dash of self esteem issues, a crazy work schedule, maybe a few kids, perhaps a boyfriend or…
Crescent Moon and Stars Relaunch
Buy me some flowers and take me to dinner, Crescent Moon and Stars is a month old! In celebration, there has been a major facelift and a relaunch! I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has supported me in my endeavors of getting Crescent Moon and Stars from an idea to launching May 10th (1 day after getting back from vacation… hindsight man… haha) and tweaking things. I would particular like to thank Raewyn at Be A Warrior Queen, Allie at Allie Williams Co., to everyone who participated in Alle’s The Daily Ten challenge (BIG shoutout to the_a_team), Emilie at Burke Does and Wendy at The Gratefulist.…