Eat Drink and Be Merry, Gratitude & Mindset, Let's Get Real, Life is Worth Living For, Self Love Movement
Self Care Project
Self Care… it’s a word/phrase we hear so often and as much as it might be “over-used”, it really is an important concept. You can’t pour anything from an empty cup. It’s been a crazy year already with job changes, economy ebbs & flows (yay gas & food prices), important milestones and anniversaries coming up, so I knew I needed to really evaluate where I was in life and where I wanted to be. I have a tendency to go big (and not start off small) and 99% of the time, those lofty dreams and goals taper off and reality kicks in. Since one of the reasons why I decided…
June’s Reaching For the Stars
Happy June everyone! Can you believe we are already 5 months finished and almost halfway through the year?!?! It seems like we are just blowing by 2019. Since time is going so fast, it’s a good time to revisit goals made. There are some that I’m sure will not get accomplished this year, but that’s ok! May is usually a good month for me personally with reflection and new experiences or chapters in my life (college graduation, a few years ago I went on a special celebratory mountain cabin trip with close friends, music concerts and more). I had the full intention of taking May to reflect and create either…