Happy First Day of Summer!
Happy First Day of Summer everyone! It’s officially here! Today marks the LONGEST day of the year and the beginning of the fun in the sun days. Graduations are over, school is out and it’s hot, hot, hot! Here in Charleston, we’ve been in the upper 80s to high 90s since before Memorial Day in May, but these past 2 days have had heat indexes of about 107 – 110.
Usually I create a Summer schedule with each day having its own theme (check out last year’s Summer post here) but this year I’ve picked out 100 activities of my own creation/thoughts (there are SO many bucket lists on Pinterest). I’ve made a list version and I’ve also made a Bingo version. For the bingo version, there is 5 pages of 20 activities each and the last page is bingo markers you can print and either cut out the shape or can just cut out the square and can tape to the bingo sheets. There is about 75 days of summer from the 1st day of Summer to Labor Day (Summer officially ends September 22nd), but time flies when you’re having fun and you can probably check off more than 1 activity in a day so I added a few extras. Since there are so many different types of summer activities across different parts of the nation (and world!), I created the list/bingo game in mind that you would be able to cross off most of everything. If there’s not something in your area, fill free to make up your own activity instead for that spot. The possibilities are endless this summer!
Crescent Moon & Stars Summer Fun In the Sun List 2018 (Read-only Word Document) (584 downloads )
Crescent Moon & Stars Summer Bingo 2018 (Read-only Word Document) (1035 downloads )
**These are read-only, however Word should prompt you to enable printing to print these out**
I’d love to hear from you what your plans are for the season. I’ll be starting a new position within my full-time company soon and hopefully able to sneak in a mini vacation with the family in early August. I’ll be playing along myself so use the hashtags #cmsummerbingo and #letshinebrightogether on social media. I’d love to see how many you can cross off this season. You can find me @CresMoonStars on Facebook (page and Shine Bright, our community group), Instagram, Twitter & Pinterest.
Let’s shine [extra] bright together…