November Goals aka The Action Plan
Hey everyone and Happy November! Can’t believe Halloween is come and gone! What happened to October? Oh right, Hurricane Matthew, hotel clean up, guest and client and local city event make up days, daylight beginning to get shorter and shorter and yeah, Halloween. Time goes by when you’re having fun right? We’re down to the last 2 months of the year and in my opinion some of the busiest. There’s Daylight Savings Time on Sunday the 6th (don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour – Fall back into bed and enjoy that extra hour of sleep! I’m sure you need it just as much!), Election Day on the…
How Well are You Prepared?
You’ve heard it a lot: “Be Prepared!” “Rather safe than sorry!” “Always think ahead!” It probably goes in one ear and out the other by now. It’s so overused in day-to-day life. However, as annoying as it may seem, it holds a great truth. Think of the fable where the ants are hoarding grain for the winter months while the grasshopper dismisses this need to be prepared. Boy was he surprised when the winter cold came. If you’ve never heard of this fable, read here: (http://www.bartleby.com/17/1/36.html) Even well managed organizations and military establishments constantly stress this. The Marines have a motto of “Adapt, Improvise and Overcome.” The Coast Guard…