• Hero of My Country, Hero of My Heart

    Armed Forces Week Featured Charities Part 3

    We are celebrating Armed Forces Day today, what else could be more perfect than one more installment of military charities and organizations?     In this edition: Operation Homefront Homes for Our Troops         Operation Homefront     http://www.operationhomefront.net/   Mission: “Build STRONG, STABLE, and SECURE military FAMILIES so they can thrive in the communities that they’ve worked so hard to protect.”  Their vision is: “To be the provider of choice for short-term and critical assistance, long-term stability and recurring support programs to military families.”   That’s definitely some big boots to fill. But they are MORE than capable of doing so.   They’ve proven that by…

  • Hero of My Country, Hero of My Heart

    Armed Forces Week Charities Part 2

      Hello all!   I hope that you enjoyed the 2nd installment of the United States Military Service Branches, featuring the US Navy an the US Coast Guard. I hope that you learned something you that didn’t know! I apologize for the delay of postings this week, recently had some work and home life situations throw me some sneak attacks, but it’s all good now! This post (as I’m catching up on 3 final posts for this Armed Forces Week) features 2 more military charities and organizations that do the military proud.     In this edition: Soldier’s Angels Active Heroes       Solider’s Angels     http://soldiersangels.org/  …

  • Hero of My Country, Hero of My Heart

    Armed Forces Week Featured Charities Part 1

    Hello! I hope that you enjoyed the 1st installment about what Armed Forces Week/Day was and a little about the Marines and the Army. In a followup, I would like to showcase a few military charities and organizations this week.   In this edition: Wounded Warrior Project AnySoldiers.com         https://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/   You’ve probably seen this logo, heard about it on the news, seen a video or ad online or maybe even something in your mailbox. Wounded Warrior Project is a military charity that supports troops on the battlefield and off. It advocates physical and mental health of the troops, especially those who have been injured. As of May 1st,…