Shining Moments - happiness, gratitude and reflection
Shining Moments (Weekly Gratitude & Reflection)

Shining Moments – September 2018 – Week 3

Hello everyone! Seriously, where has September gone?! Wasn’t it just Labor day? But guess what, it’s that time again for Shining Moments, a weekly gratitude overview and reflection. This week’s reflection is about Normalcy.

I feel like this month has TOTALLY flown by, but then again with school back in session, Labor day, Hurricane Florence… I guess it was easy to get wrapped up in the chaos and business.


This week’s Gratitude list:

Still very thankful for not getting hit by Hurricane Florence

Despite closing down work for a few days, we were able to get right back into things and back to work, so we pretty much got a LONG weekend (Thurs – Sun and back to work Monday)

Despite the chaos, was able to whip up something to celebrate the boss’s birthday as we dove back into things this week

Beautiful sunrises and equally beautiful sunsets

A full moon

Getting to spend time with my cousin and getting to shop together to create a bachelorette party for another cousin

Getting my hair chopped off and then colored – Caramel Blonde (and also falling in love with a new color to try when I’m not in a corporate setting)

**Pre-cut/color – didn’t realize it was getting THAT long**


**Accidental filter when snapping the pic [no color filter is applied here], but I love the parrot so I kept it**


Getting to spend time with the kitties


A new business idea with a cherished family member *oh the wheels are turning…*


Weekly Reflection

We don’t think about our normal routines or daily habits until something interrupts it.

But really, we do mundane things on auto-pilot everyday. We are generally creatures of habits – we like certain things, go certain ways, and do certain things. If something comes across weird, our minds give us a big buzzer and the stress starts. Sometimes easily fixable, sometimes not, sometimes life altering.

If I told you to take out paper and write down the exact steps you take from waking up to falling asleep Sunday through Saturday, what would your week look like? Do you wake up at the same time everyday? How about do you brush your teeth at the same time? Are you getting the kids out the door to get to school Monday through Friday? Do you drive to work the same route, the same time?

There are times I am so much on routine and I drive on auto-pilot and I don’t even remember how I got to/from work. Ever drive a road and when you actually need to take a right you take the left just because you’ve 99% always done it that way, No, just me?

Like many other things in life, it’s good to have the routine but it’s also good to shake it up a little. Balance balance balance. Sometimes doing things a little differently makes your life easier (or good having a backup route to/from work if traffic is horrendous). A little spice and something nice makes life more flavorful.

A little spice and something nice makes life more flavorful. - Jenn at Crescent Moon & Stars #letshinebrightogether Click To Tweet


I hope that you had a great week and will have a fantastic one next week!


Love Jenn, Crescent Moon & Stars