Self Care Project
Self Care… it’s a word/phrase we hear so often and as much as it might be “over-used”, it really is an important concept. You can’t pour anything from an empty cup. It’s been a crazy year already with job changes, economy ebbs & flows (yay gas & food prices), important milestones and anniversaries coming up, so I knew I needed to really evaluate where I was in life and where I wanted to be. I have a tendency to go big (and not start off small) and 99% of the time, those lofty dreams and goals taper off and reality kicks in.
Since one of the reasons why I decided to leave the Hospitality/Tourism industry after 12 years, there seemed to be no real time to commit for self/lack of self care without making sacrifices that I wasn’t able to/ready for yet, so I decided this project was the best place to start off to center myself. My 2022 word for the year is Balanced and I DEFINITELY have not been. One of my Facebook friends posts a weekly Self Care update on her year-long journey, so I was inspired to do one of my own.
After some thought (and some discussion with Babe), these are the Daily & the Weekly lists I came up with:
Daily List
- Water
- Skin Care
- Gratitude
- Planners/Trackers
- Calm App
- Vitamins (Day & Night)
- Time spent with Babe
Weekly List
- Gym/Movement
- Reading
- 52 Lists Books/Prompt books
- Church Online/Small Group
- Generosity
- Cleaning/Organization
- Finances Check
The Process
Since I made my lists, I wrote out by hand in a notebook of the List item, why I wanted to do it/what was the purpose of it, and how I was going to measure it/measure its success.
Sarah Steckler has an AMAZING Energy Driver Habit Tracker Spreadsheet she comes out with yearly. It has 12 slots of habits you can enter, whether you’ll do it morning/afternoon/evening and about how long it will take you. It does the math for you and she has spent so much time making it look fabulous and ALL of the graphs. So, I took my purchased 2022 copy and made my tweaks. Even though my Extras are not on my list, I wanted to add them on (plus it filled up all the slots).
I’ll be adding a section under Progress in the weekly Shining Moments posts where I’ll keep record of how my 2022 Year list is going and these lists here. I’m looking forward to the process and progress and can’t wait to share the updates with you.
Let’s shine bright together…