My Interview with the #PerfectionistProblems series with Wendy de Jong
Hey everyone!
Hot off the press! Check out my interview with Wendy de Jong, owner of The Gratefulist. She is full of heart and passion as she helps other creatives let go of their perfectionism and embrace their perfectly imperfect selves. A woman totally after my own heart!
We all struggle with the idea of our own idea of being the best we can be and add that with what society expects and the ones we love wanting good things for us. Those must-be-perfect vibes being thrown around make it very easy to get trapped. Add 2 shakes of anxiety, a dash of fear and a pinch of insecurity and voila, a perfect recipe for perfectionism (no pun intended!). Wendy is all over how to overcome this with her #perfectionistproblems series.
It was an honor to be interviewed by Wendy. I had a great time and even while reflecting on my #perfectionistproblems, I felt oddly normal discussing it. Perfectionism is almost a sugar-coated norm these days.
Check out my interview: How I stop letting perfectionism hold me back
We all must learn to balance an ambitious spirit with a healthy mind and healthy boundaries. When you can be proud of yourself, societal “norms” don’t matter that much. When you know you’ve done your best, don’t let people tell you that you’re lazy or you’re settling. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the people pleasing business, slap a pretty red bow on it and call it something glorious. However, once the gift wrap is off, it might not look so pretty anymore. Like me, I’m sure you struggle with that too. I highly suggest you check out Wendy’s resources. Her gratitude and perfectionist guides, workbooks, and checklists have been immensely helpful. I also highly suggest her e-book, Growing Gratitude. It was DEFINITELY worth the read.
So what is perfection to you? When you think of a perfectionist, what comes to mind (whether about yourself or about someone else)? Why do you feel that way? How do you think you/they got this way? Perfectionism is a mindset, one that can get kinda blurry sometimes. While you want to have ambition, dreams, goals and drive, this is another scenario where too much of it is a good thing.
Lets band together to fight perfectionism. No one wins that battle. Let’s recognize we all have #perfectionistproblems and be real with ourselves and others. Let’s help each other out.
How can I help you with your journey to freedom?
I’m always reachable on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook or by email.
Let’s shine bright together…
<3 Jenn