November Goals aka The Action Plan
Hey everyone and Happy November!
Can’t believe Halloween is come and gone! What happened to October? Oh right, Hurricane Matthew, hotel clean up, guest and client and local city event make up days, daylight beginning to get shorter and shorter and yeah, Halloween. Time goes by when you’re having fun right?
We’re down to the last 2 months of the year and in my opinion some of the busiest. There’s Daylight Savings Time on Sunday the 6th (don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour – Fall back into bed and enjoy that extra hour of sleep! I’m sure you need it just as much!), Election Day on the 8th (let’s just not go there shall we? We all know…), Veterans Day on the 11th (thank a military service member for their past or current service), Thanksgiving on the 24th, Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday and then we head into December to prep for Christmas and New Years. Before we know it, the year is gonna be gone and we’ll be ringing in 2017!
In the midst of this chaos that affects everybody, what are are your intentions, goals, plans for the month? I know for me, I’ve been slack-a-lacking due to different reasons, but what it really comes down to is I didn’t set anything into motion for October. October was also a very stressful month due to several reasons, but IF I had made goals to demolish, an action plan, a checklist, or a to-do list, I’m sure I would have felt less stress and would have gotten more accomplished.
But there’s never a wrong time to start right? So here we go!
- Get back onto the blogging schedule – I have a schedule in place, time to discipline myself to do it.
- Ditto on the newsletter schedule
- Send out my Gratitude Dare and post on the blog
- Figure out Thanksgiving Plans – will have to make these closer to Thanksgiving day depending on work schedules + find a new recipe to try + start planning for the stuff I KNOW we will want (Taylor over at Household Management has FANTASTIC Thanksgiving prep checklists, grocery list, menu planning and hour-by-hour list. Check it out!)
- Send out thank you cards to the people I’ve interviewed with recently
- Had an interview today – if I don’t get it, keep on trucking, don’t get discouraged and keep looking and trying.
- Keep building community and tribes – while I may not have gotten a lot of blogging done, I made a lot of new connections, joined new FB groups, collab’d on some Pinterest boards and have some things in the works for the future
- Remember – social media is your friend haha
- Sit down and do 2 of the courses I’ve signed up and paid for and look at another 2 and decide!
- Enjoy life, even if just for 5 minutes a day – I want to accomplish this by writing in a gratitude journal + do my own dare +actively participate in a gratitude FB I’ve recently joined.
So what are your goals, plans, actions and intentions for the month? I’d love to hear about them and support you!
Find me on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook Page and my own Facebook Group, Shine Bright.
Shine Bright!
<3 Jenn