Happy Halloween + Halloween Movie Marathon Ideas
Happy Halloween, Samhain, or Day of the Dead!
I hope that you’re enjoying your day and ready to go get some candy trick or treating. Perhaps instead of bobbing for apples and going door to door for candy, maybe you’re attending a fall or Halloween festival.
This year I’m not feeling too well, so I decided to host my own self-halloween movie marathon in the apartment, surrounded by my decorations and I turned on the orange lights I put over the door.


Yesterday I was able to make it out to probably one of the biggest pumpkin patches here in Charleston over at Boone Hall Plantation at the Boone Hall Farms/Pumpkin patch. I decided to just get a pumpkin and not do the whole festival sorta of deal (I was pretty tired after work and human interaction was not high on my list). It was my first time at a real pumpkin patch and I had fun looking around at all the different pumpkins as well as the little gift/snack shop they had there.

I had a great time there and I’m very pleased to introduce Sammy, my 11.47lb pumpkin I got for a little under $7.
I named him Sammy because while he is absolutely adorable and cute to look out, he is utterly perpetually doomed like his brother Dean (aka) Pie. Pie isn’t the only plans I have for this adorable monster. I’m gonna use The Coastie Couple’s recipe for Homemade Pumpkin puree and will roast pumpkin seeds after we get done carving it.
So I’m decorated, pumpkin-ed and generally ready, so what about my movie choices? At fist, I had a very small list but after a bit of brainstroming and a itty bit of reseraching, I have 31 movies. Check out my nstagram to vote on your favorites!
- Spawn
- Sweeny Todd
- Scream
- The Shining
- Nightmare before Christmas
- Hocus Pocus
- It’s the Great Big Pumpkin Charlie Brown
- The Raven
- Any of the Jason movies
- Any of the Freddy movies
- Hotel Transylvania 1 and @
- Mummy – either the trilogy or the old version
- Wolfman – either the new one or the old version
- Frankenstein – there are so many, but we like the recent Victor Frankenstein and the onld one
- Dracula -so over done, but out favorites are Dracula Untold, the only 1 season Dracula tv series and Bram Stoker’s
- Interview with the Vampire
- Queen of the Damned
- Beetlejuice
- Harry Potters – uh, all of them?!
- Haunted Mansion – who doesn’t love Eddie Murphy
- Casper
- Halloween Town – not my favorite, but it’s ok
- Ghostbusters
- Frankenweenie – I haven’t seen it yet, but I heard it’s really good
- Sleepy Hollow
- Paranorman – again, haven’t seen this one yet either, but I heard it’s really cool
- Underworld trilogy
- Resident Evil
- Bedknobs & Broomsticks
- Addams Family
What’s your favorite or least favorite Halloween movies?
Be safe out there, check your candy and be kind to all animals you see.
Shine bright!
<3 Jenn