• Let's Get Real

    Charleston 9 Firefighters

    June itself is NOT a very good month for Charleston.  Last year was a horrific tragedy where 1 man shot 9 people at the Mother Emanuel Church.  Just as equally horrific, Charleston experienced another overwhelming tragedy just 9 years prior.   On June 18th, 2007, 9 firefighters lost their lives in a blaze that overwhelmed the Sofa Store they were trying to put out. There had not been such a great loss of life of men honorably acting out their oaths and duties since September 11th, 2001.  From 7pm to approximately 10pm, the fire raged, but it wasn’t until 4am that everyone that had gone in, but tragically not returned had been…

  • Let's Get Real,  Life is Worth Living For

    1 year later, Still #Charlestonstrong

    #Charlestonstrong Or should I say,  still #Charlestonstrong.   1 year ago today: June 17th, 2015 ——- 1 man took the lives of 9 people (and injured others) at the Mother Emanuel AME church.  No one would have ever imagined the chaos that reigned that night. I know I sure didn’t.   I was working late, overseeing a banquet function at the hotel I was currently working at in Mount Pleasant, with no idea the chaos that was happening on Calhoun St, Downtown Charleston. It wasn’t til I got home that I found out about the tragedy that had befallen on my city. I don’t have cable, it’s  expensive but mostly because it’s just too depressing (case…