Shining Moments – May 2018 (Week 3)
Hello everyone, I hope that you had another great week! It’s that time again for Shining Moments, a weekly roundup of gratitude, awesomeness and reflection.
Moments of Happiness and Gratitude
Ordered Marcos pizza since wasn’t feeling good and it came within 20 minutes instead of the quoted 1 hour
The 2nd Pizza I ordered (no judgement zone here!) this week TOUCHED. MY. SOUL. It was SO delicious!
Getting blog posts out again is a great feeling
Getting to watch Justice League from RedBox
Having the opportunity to be a Beta Tester in one of Pam Hodges’ awesome programs. You should totally join her program, Moments That Work before the rate goes up on June 2. You can join today for $21! Tell her Jenn from Crescent Moon & Stars sent you! We’re having so much fun right now!!!!!!!!
My Voxer Buddies have been a great support and accountability system
Editing my cousin’s graduation pictures and posting them up for family
Testing out Adobe’s trial of Lightroom
Getting the Sunroom cleaned up enough to have work space and a sitting area again – out with the clutter
Thankful for Starbuck’s bottled White Chocolate Mocha. JUST enough coffee to get my groggy brain awake to function at work without leaving me jittery for the rest of the day.
Dr. Pepper & Wild Cherry Pepsi
Enjoying the AC on some abnormal days (we usually don’t have 90 degree days in May!)
Finding some of my summer scent candles and wax melts
Finding the Star Candles at Target (they’re out for Memorial Day/4th of July) – the Stars & Stripes (smells like Blue Raspberry and Lemonade) and the Sparkling Lemonade are AMAZING. Plus the frosted star holder is soooo cute! I picked up the Blue (my favorite), Red and White. They’ll be so cute to use later with different candles.
This week’s reflection is about the “Fake It til You Make It” mindset and attitude. We’re always getting messages of “Time to Hustle” and sometimes the hustle is just SO DARN HARD! The results are usually worth that hard work, but just URGH sometimes! I recently experienced this while at work. I’ve been struggling with trying to meet the goals of the team and of my own. I’m good at what I do, but it’s always a constant struggle to meet the needed demands. I’ve made progress, but it just doesn’t feel like it’s enough and a year later, I’ve come to a soul-searching conversation with myself that it isn’t quite what I want to do with my life. I’ve been struggling lately with being a positive impact, an influencer – not just at work, or blogging but with life in general. Anybody feel the same way?
My work ethics and standards are pretty high, so I’ve been throwing myself all in to do a great job at what I can do and to help out my team. Putting all in has been pretty exhausting, but that’s just me – all in or nothing. I don’t half-ass anything. So, in wanting to do my best and be proud of the work I put out, I’ve put myself in “Fake It Til You Make It” mode. In a recent conversation, apparently I was succeeding at that and have sorta told on myself that I’m still feeling the struggle vs the confidence I was showing.
So that was a little awkward, but you live and learn right? Apparently I am able to put on that face and convince others all is good even though my mind is practically screaming on some of the more chaotic days. I’m proud of the progress that I’ve made and while we’re going through some changes at work, I know that I can do great work so it’s time to get back into Hustle mode and continue to fake it til you make it.
I’d love to hear about a time or two when you had to “Fake It til You Make It.” What were the circumstances? What were you feeling? Do you know why? Share them on the Facebook group, Shine Bright. Tag Crescent Moon & Stars on social media (@cresmoonstars) on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #letshinebrightogether.
Shine bright…