Shining Moments March 22nd – 28th, 2020
Hello once again! March is almost over and WHAT. A. MONTH. #understatementoftheyear.
For my loyal weekly readers, sorry this post is a little late. Sunday (the usual day) was computer and website issues. Yesterday ended up being a busier day than expected. I thank you for keeping up with me. This week had a lot of emotions behind it, but some really sweet moments too.
Shining Moments
– Found new face clay masks – amethyst, marble, holographic
– While I was at Walmart, I picked up 2 tanks for $1 each and a Henley long sleeve shirt for $5
– I also found a 1.5 inch binder that I will need for work. I got a nice surprise at check out! It was only $1
– Guest at work thanked me for the “congrats on the new job” card I sent
– Had a headache so I took a nap and I felt much better afterwards
– Calm app has a Purring Kitten “music” – greatly helped my mood, headache and nap
– Turned on the Xbox 360 and played some games
– Also found a work around to make the internet work on the Xbox 360
– Sent out 142 emails at work to guests who had stayed with us, stayed and had to leave early or who canceled completely
– Thought was going to get laid off with furlough at work, I tidied up my area and locked up my file cabinet. While talking to my boss, I asked her how could I become a better Sales Coordinator (books, websites, networking opportunities, etc) while I would be gone for an unknown time. By her facial expression and our conversation, I’m pretty sure she was impressed
– I (and many others ) were given the answer we were hoping for – we get to keep our jobs vs. being laid off. We all are temporary getting moved to part time so we can all spread the wealth for shifts
– My hotel job and my UberEats job are considered Essential, so I’m not [yet] forced to stay at home under my City’s mandate. Work gave me an Essential employee letter just in case
– Read Smoke Bitten by Patricia Briggs
– Found out that one of my oldest friends is reading it too!
– Got to sit outside alone in the sun/shade overlooking the pond that’s in the apartment “backyard”
– Someone was having a small kind of party (or one dance party/bored Playlist haha). The songs I could catch were: Who Let the Dogs Out, Turn Down for What, Yeah (Usher), Call Me Maybe, Shake it off and Brass Monkey
– Seeing the annual red clovers “bloom” along the Interstate. They’re just so pretty and there’s SO many of them!
Progress on 32 Things
*For the full list, check out my birthday post 32 Birthdays and 32 Things*
– Crossed off reading Book 12 of the Mercy Thompson series (went out of order, but thats ok! New books = new rules haha)
– Having to pause the $100/month saving goal due to all this insanity going on in the world. I called some of my bill companies and am on some deferred payments (so yes, technically saving $100 ? Just kidding, I won’t count that…)
Keep making smart decisions that ultimately affect your health and those around you.
Relish in the sweet moments, no matter how small they might seem.
Remember, we are doing #letspreadjoynotgerms
Wishing you all a great week,
Let’s shine bright together…