Shining Moments: July 31st-August 6th, 2022
This week has been about recovery this week. I am feeling much better, but Shingles is no joke. I was still out of work for part of the week, but work was very supportive about my recovery time. This week’s edition is a little longer than last week, so enjoy…
Shining Moments
– Got to spend time with Babe on Sunday as I was still out for work and he was off that day. It was a nice chill day – we went grocery shopping & went to Lowes to look at getting a trellis for my super growing raspberry plant
– Got a 2nd bird feeder while at Walmart as the birds have been fighting over the feeder lately. Trying a tube style feeder with multiple feeding holes
– Got a 2nd hummingbird feeder that is 2 tiered with 8 different feeding spots from Lowes, but can also be pulled apart to be hung up as 2 separate feeders. It also has little sitting branches for the hummingbirds to rest on vs. hovering over
– Got a good deal on 3 Blink Outdoor Cameras (usually $249.99 but it was 1/2 off at Best But for only $124.99) and got them set up outside to catch my Hummingbird & Bird feeders
– It was my parent’s anniversary this week and while I couldn’t see them, I sent them a funny text they enjoyed
– Rearranged the living room on a half whim and it feels cozier. I was able to get *most* of our DVDs/Blu-rays + video games visible vs in the moving boxes they were still in
– Was able to get Soul Taken (Mercy Thompson #13) by Patricia Briggs earlier than expected
– Oddly felt so nice to get all laundry done and put away
– Despite what a pain in the ass it was, I finally got my shelving up on the bathroom walls to get some counter space back
– Babe’s Wednesday evening schedule didn’t fill, so we got to spend the afternoon & evening together
– Returned to work on Thursday – it was nice being back & everyone was so happy to see me
– Small shopping trip at Marshall’s during this tax free weekend – got a new purse that fits all my stuff better (and deeper pockets!). I also found the matching gel scrub that goes with the whipped raspberry body butter I had found a few weeks ago. It smells SO good!
– Aldi’s had gallon sized milk that was going out on the 10th/11th for 50 cents each. I picked up 2 – yay for cereals, smoothies and baking!
Progress on 2022’s List & Weekly Self-Care
*For the full 2022 list, check out my list here: Welcoming 2022 (Word of the Year, Goals & Intentions)
2022 List
– Nothing to add this week
Weekly Self Care
- Gym/Movement: since still recovering from shingles + work schedule, I didn’t make it. Don’t feel bad about it either haha
- Reading: didn’t read this week as I was getting ready to get back to work
- 52 Lists/Prompts: I honestly forgot all about these
- Church online/Small group: I didn’t watch online this week
- Generosity: I didn’t give any time, supply or financial blessings this week
- Cleaning/Organization: got laundry, dishes, living room rearranged, vacuumed, trash & recycling taken out
- Finances Check: I struggled a bit this week as the days started blending a bit & staying busy, but I’m getting back to being on track + staying on top of it
– This week has been about recovery. I feel that there’s multiple definitions of what recovery is and can be. As I am working on re-designing/re-planning what self care is for me personally, I’ve been thinking about the different types. I definitely struggle with the sitting down physically part while my mind is constantly go-go-go. I think that’s going to be my biggest hurdle to overcome.